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We don’t have a summary available yet.
The summary below was written by the Congressional Research Service, which is a nonpartisan division of the Library of Congress, and was published on Sep 16, 1974.
National Emergencies Act - States that no authority conferred under any law of the United States upon the President or upon any other officer, employee, agency, or other entity of the Government of the United States, as the result of any national emergency, shall be exercised except as provided under this Act and that any national emergency declared or otherwise designated as in effect on the date of the enactment of this Act is terminated on the two hundred and seventieth day after the date of the enactment of this Act, unless otherwise previously terminated. States that, in the event the President finds that the proclamation of a national emergency is essential to the preservation, protection, and defense of the Constitution, and is essential to the common defense, safety, or well-being of the territory and people of the United States, the President is authorized to publicly declare the existence of a national emergency. Provides that any authority conferred under any law to be exercised with respect to a war or a national emergency shall not be exercised until the President states in an Executive Order issued with respect to that war or emergency, the specific provisions of law under which such authority is to be exercised. States that any national emergency declared or otherwise designated in effect shall terminate on the one hundred and eightieth day after the date of its declaration or designation. Authorizes the Congress, by concurrent resolution, to determine that the national emergency is terminated or extended on a date prior to the date of its termination. Authorizes the President to declare by Executive Order that a national emergency is terminated prior to the date of its termination under this Act. Repeals specified national emergency provisions of law.
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